Arnold Violin Studio

Lessons and Recitals

Students will have weekly private lessons. Additional performance opportunities include studio recitals, Indiana Arts Festival, ASTA CAP, Indiana All State Orchestra, and other concerts and competitions.


Contact me directly for lesson fees. Monthly fees are based on the number of lessons in a month. It is assumed that a student will have weekly lessons, though it is understandable if your family wishes to schedule a trip or other event that will necessitate missing an occasional weekly lesson. A consistent lesson schedule is essential for instrument study. With sufficient advance notice, you will not be charged for a week in which a lesson is not received.  

Payment for the month is due no later than the 10th of each month. Payments received after the 10th of the month may incur a late fee. This will allow me to focus on my most important task of teaching, rather than on accounting and reminding. An invoice will be sent via MyMusicStaff near the beginning of each month. 

Competitions and performances, including recitals, will likely incur additional fees. These may involve accompaniment, extra lesson time, and/or arrangements for performance space.

Payment methods

Payments may be made by personal check, cash, Zelle, QuickBooks bank transfer, Apple Pay, and PayPal/Venmo (with convenience fee added). Please note that Zelle or a QuickBooks bank transfer allows payment directly from your bank account with no fees on either side.

Missed lessons

Lesson time is reserved exclusively for the student. When a student is not able to attend a lesson for any reason, it is very difficult to fill the gap with another student on short notice. Therefore, cancelled lessons may only be rescheduled if the instructor is available. 24-hour notice is required for cancellation of lessons, except in the case of severe illness or accident. An online lesson is a convenient option in cases when a sudden transportation change or mild illness would prevent an in person lesson. 


Students are expected to arrive on time for lessons. Unfortunately, lost time due to student lateness may not be made up.

Lesson etiquette

  • Nails should be trimmed to play the violin.
  • Chewing gum is not appropriate while playing or having a lesson.
  • Shoes should be left at the front door.
  • Lesson waiting area is restricted to the front hallway just outside the studio out of respect for those who live in my home. 
  • Arrive not more than 5 minutes prior to your lesson and depart once the lesson has ended.

Summer lessons

In the summer, my schedule is somewhat different than in the school year, but I continue to teach for most of the summer. I simply ask that you communicate in advance (if possible, at the end of the school year) what your summer plans will be. This will allow me to create a studio lesson schedule that will work for everyone.

Severe weather

In the event of severe weather (i.e., snowstorm, ice storm, tornado) that would prevent safe travel, please contact the teacher as soon as possible. Your personal safety is more important than attending a lesson, and an online lesson will be offered.

Discontinuing lessons

Students are asked to give two months' notice if they will not be continuing lessons. This not only allows the teacher sufficient time to adjust the teaching appropriately, but also provides ample time to offer the lesson slot to a student on the waiting list.


In the event that the student exhibits lack of progress, insufficient practice, or lack of interest in lessons, the teacher reserves the right to dismiss that student. My studio philosophy ensures that I will never surprise a family with dismissal, but rather, I will engage in an ongoing, two-way conversation. It is my responsibility as a teacher to be honest and straightforward about what a student needs to progress in their musical development.